
Macpilot reviews
Macpilot reviews

macpilot reviews


The advanced button at the bottom opens up a new window that has all the previous application tweaks available plus a whole lot more. All six can be launched right from MacPilot. This includes the Certificate Assistant and the Storage Utility. Here you will find a quick way to access six applications that are not easily found. A large amount of key combination shortcuts is listed here. All the Fonts stored in your computer can be seen in a chart form. The details for all the various Error Codes can be searched. The Reference menu item is chock-full of hard-to-find info.

macpilot reviews

You can run various Maintenance functions that allow you to optimize or repair your system. Customize the dock by adding spacers and smart stacks/menus. Toggle animations, add the Quit menu to the Finder, show the file path in the window title bar or use your screensaver as the desktop. With over 1,200 features to unlock, you will be spending some time optimizing your Mac. This includes browsing the computer while showing all invisible and system files, viewing incredibly detailed file specifications, and editing advanced settings such as extended attributes, Permissions, and hard locks that make files undeletable. With File Browser, you can quickly change the info metadata of your files.


Here you can also view advanced disk information and statistics such as free blocks, device block size, file count, folder count, file system type, solid-state status, and a whole lot of other information.


Everything from the graphics card and RAM bus speeds to the system serial number and processor info.

macpilot reviews

A colourful system profile pops up that outlines advanced system information. The menu items continue with an overview of your hard drive using the Disk category.

macpilot reviews

This is the starting point to customizing your machine. It lists the applications included with the macOS that can be tweaked. The first category is the Apps screen, as shown below. Any changes you make take effect when selected but it is easy to revert back if you don’t like the new tweak. Each menu has a different design depending on what is included. These categories are set up to make it easier to find what you might be looking for. The top of this window’s menu displays the various areas that MacPilot has been subdivided into. When you first start MacPilot, you are presented with the info page window that introduces you to the app while including some ‘About This Mac’ information. Read on to get an idea of some of the variety of things you didn’t know you could change. Currently, there are over 1200 items that you can alter with MacPilot.


This app is called MacPilot and it has been supplying tweaks for the Mac for many years. Fortunately, there is an application that aggregates all these changes and lets you take control from one source without having to worry about messing up your macOS. For my part, I am loath to play around with Terminal commands. Besides the obvious menu items, you can also delve into the inner working of your System using the Terminal application. The Finder, the Desktop, the System Preferences, and most Applications allow for a lot of configuration. With MacPIlot, you can step out of the passenger seat of your Mac, get behind the wheel, and take real control over your computer.I like to customize my computer as much as I can and the macOS is built to accommodate a lot of tweaks. With the power of UNIX and the simplicity of Macintosh, your Mac is a high-tech wellspring of untapped power! Use MacPilot to unlock over 1,200 features and access them all with the easy and familiar Macintosh user interface-no command line tools or complicated file operations required! With MacPilot, you can display hidden files in Finder, disable the startup chime, add spacers and stacks to the Dock, change the screenshot file format, run maintenance tools, and so much more.

Macpilot reviews